Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm
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Credit Application

Download an application PDF or continue with our online form below:
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Purchase Order Only    Phone    Contracts    If Other, please specify:
Checking    Savings    Term Debt


  If not taxable, please attach a copy of your tax exempt certificate.

We declare the above information is correct and complete and is given to induce Whiting Door Manufacturing Corp (“Company”) to extend credit. We authorize the Company to make such credit investigation as the Company sees, including contacting the above trade references and banks and obtaining credit reports. We authorize all trade references, banks, and credit reporting authorities to disclose to the Company any and all information concerning the financial and credit history of my company and myself.

I understand that all invoices are payable in 30 days unless noted otherwise. I agree to pay finance charges up to my state's legal limit for any amounts not paid within the agreed upon terms. I have read the terms and conditions and agree as indicated by clicking submit.

Please fill in all required fields.

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Whiting Door EasySTRAP


Easy Open. Easy Close.
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